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mIRC Script

This mIRC script is useful for parsing the events saved within the savebuff module.

on ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
 if ($nick == *savebuff) {
  var %nick = $gettok($2,1,$asc(!))
  if ($3 == MODE)     echo $color(mode) # $asctime($1, $timestampfmt) * %nick sets mode: $4-
  elseif ($3 == JOIN) echo $color(join) # $asctime($1, $timestampfmt) * Join: %nick ( $+ $gettok($2,2,$asc(!)) $+ )
  elseif ($3 == QUIT) echo $color(quit) # $asctime($1, $timestampfmt) * Quit: %nick ( $+ $gettok($2,2,$asc(!)) $+ ) ( $+ $4- $+ )
  elseif ($3 == PART) echo $color(part) # $asctime($1, $timestampfmt) * Part: %nick ( $+ $gettok($2,2,$asc(!)) $+ )
  elseif ($3 == NICK) echo $color(nick) # $asctime($1, $timestampfmt) * %nick is now known as $4
  elseif ($3 == KICK) echo $color(kick) # $asctime($1, $timestampfmt) $2 was kicked by %nick ( $+ $5- $+ )
  else                echo 4 # *** UNHANDLED LINE <12 $+ $1- $+ >
 elseif ($nick == ***) {
  echo $color(notice) # *** $1-