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XChat Perl Plugin

This is an edit of Freman's savebuff script, edited to work for buffextras instead. Tested on X-Chat Aqua, but should work on X-Chat.

  • Copy and paste this script to .xchat/ or /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/Plugins/
  • Restart X-Chat
my $ShowMode = "mode \00310%s\003 \002%s\002 by \002%s\002";
my $ModName = "*buffextras";
Xchat::register('ZNC-BuffExtras','1.00','Display the on-join buffer for ZNC module buffextras nicely');

Xchat::hook_print('Channel Operator',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel DeOp',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel Voice',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel DeVoice',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel Ban',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel UnBan',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel Mode Generic',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel Set Key',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel Set Limit',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel Remove Keyword',\&DontDisplay);
Xchat::hook_print('Channel Remove Limit',\&DontDisplay);

sub ShowMode {
       my ($Channel,$Modes,$Nick) = @_;

       my $Output = sprintf($ShowMode,$Channel,$Modes,$Nick);
       Xchat::emit_print("Generic Message","-\00310-\002-\002\003",$Output,null);

sub ProcessPMSG {
       my @Word = @{$_[0]};
       my @Word_EOL = @{$_[1]};
       if ((substr($Word[0],1,length($ModName)) eq $ModName) && ($Word[2]) && ($Word[3]) && ($Word[4])) {
               my $Channel = $Word[2];
               my $Hostmask = substr($Word[3], 1);
               my $Type = $Word[4];
               my $Args = ($Word[5]) ? $Word_EOL[5] : undef;

               my ($Nick, $Host) = ($Hostmask =~ /^([^\!]+)!(.+)$/g);

               if ($Type eq 'set') {
                      ShowMode($Channel,substr($Args, 6),$Nick);
               } elsif ($Type eq 'joined') {
               } elsif ($Type eq 'parted') {
               } elsif ($Type eq 'is') {
                       Xchat::emit_print("Change Nick",$Nick,substr($Args, 13),null);
               } elsif ($Type eq 'quit') {
						Xchat::emit_print("Quit",$Nick,substr($Args, 15, -1),null);
               } elsif ($Type eq 'kicked') {
						Xchat::emit_print("Kick",$Nick,$Word[5],$Channel,substr($Word_EOL[6], 9, -1));
               }elsif ($Type eq 'changed') {
               		Xchat::emit_print("Topic Change",$Nick,substr($Args, 14),null);
               } else {
                       printf STDERR "Unhandled Text! [%s]\n", $Word_EOL[2];

               return Xchat::EAT_ALL;

       return Xchat::EAT_NONE;

sub DontDisplay {
       return Xchat::EAT_XCHAT;

sub ShowModes {
       my @Word = @{$_[0]};
       my @Word_EOL = @{$_[1]};

       my $Channel = $Word[2];
       $Word[0] =~ /^:([^\!]+)!.*/;
       $Nick = $1;
       my $Modes = $Word_EOL[2];


       return Xchat::EAT_NONE; 