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< Privmsg
This Perl script will take care of moving PRIVMSGs from the module provmsg to the proper window
#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2012 Gene Cumm Xchat::register('privmsg2rcvr','0.04','Move Privmsg messages to the reciever\'s window'); # Don't eat the message UNLESS we need to move it and minimize how much logic # is processed before aborting. Xchat::hook_server('PRIVMSG',\&PrivMsgToReceiverWin); # DO try to pop open the desired context window when not found use constant PrivMsgToReceiverWinPOP => 1; sub PrivMsgToReceiverWin { my @msg = @{$_[0]}; my @msge = @{$_[1]}; my $chan = $msg[2]; if ( (substr($chan, 0, 1)) ne "#") { my $nick = Xchat::get_info("nick"); if ($chan ne $nick) { my $srv = Xchat::get_info("server"); if (!(Xchat::find_context($chan, $srv))) { # Attempt to open the message window first Xchat::command("QUERY ".$chan); } if (Xchat::set_context($chan, $srv)) { Xchat::emit_print("Channel Message", $nick, substr($msge[3], 1)); return Xchat::EAT_ALL; } } } return Xchat::EAT_NONE; }