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This is an external module. Please note that it may or may not work with the current release (1.9.1). This module is not included in the default ZNC installation, and you will need to manually compile it before you can load this module. Contact the author if you have any questions, but feel free to ask in #znc on Libera.Chat. Someone might be able to help you there. |
The clientaway module allows clients to go "away" independently. If all your connected clients are away, then we will store our buffers until another client connects or a client comes back online from being away.
This module can be used as a solution for FAQ#How_to_store_private_messages_even_when_user_is_attached.2C_so_other_clients_can_see_them.3F by setting the client as /away.
clientaway can be configured to "autoaway" you. This means it will send "away" to the server if all the clients disconnect or go /away. This will unaway you when a client comes back.
The source will only work with the latest version of ZNC from git and can be found